The first decan of Taurus, ruled by Mercury, invites us into a realm of nurturing stewardship, where the fiery will to power of Aries gracefully transitions into the more grounded and communal inclination to provide. Embodied by a woman with charred garments and intertwined with themes of worry, resilience, and cultivation, this decan prompts us…
Astrology of the Heavens and Astrology of the Hands
(Editor’s note: This is a slightly edited article, originally published in the FAA Journal, March 2023. Republished with the kind permission of Chris Skidmore.) A few years ago a woman named Anna came into my practice for a consultation. In the midst of her second Saturn Return, she had just come back from Peru where…
Venus: Mythic Revelations of Love, Wealth, and Celestial Alchemy
In the vast tapestry of celestial bodies, Venus, the second planet from the Sun, emerges as an enchantress, captivating astronomers and astrologers alike. Beyond its astronomical significance, Venus has played a pivotal role in mythologies across cultures, weaving tales of love, beauty, and cosmic balance. The Birth of Venus In Roman mythology, Venus, equivalent to…
2024 Astrological Calendars
The Museum of Modern Art’s 2024 Phases of the Moon Calendar is printed on high quality paper with a silk finish in Pantone black and metallic inks to give “the dark moon phases a rich luster, and multiple varnishes in both matte and gloss to give the light moon phases their shimmer.” (Conceived by artist…
Pluto at the Crossroads
Dear friends, please enjoy this chapter in our discussion of Pluto’s back-and-forth between Capricorn and Aquarius. I’m sharing insights here collected from my conversations with Chloe Margarita, Nicholas Polimenakos, Kira Ryberg and Vanessa Couto. (Part One: Pluto on the Edge) Chloe Margherita — born in 1993 with Uranus–Neptune conjunct in Capricorn — spoke about this…
November’s Energetic Landscape
This overview of November’s astrological trends provides an energetic landscape of possibilities and probabilities through the month. The overall theme for November surrounds the potential of the return of hope. In one sense, hope has felt intangible with all that has and is transpiring on the Earth. Yet, glimpses of hope and synchronicities are finding…
Exploring the Lunar Cycle from New Moon to New Moon
Moon-Watching The Moon, luminary of the night and messenger of the zodiac, holds our body and our emotions. Of all the planetary bodies, we often have the best sense of where the Moon is, watching the changes from New to Full to New again. The cycle beginning with the New Moon in Sagittarius is enlivening,…
October’s Top Five Astro Events
1. Mercury turns direct on October 2 at 24°11’ in the analytical sign Virgo. For most people, this station comes as a welcome shift away from weeks of discontent and leads into growing effectiveness in personal and business affairs. However, Mercury is within one degree of opposing Neptune. It’s best not to make any important…
The Definition of Astrology
What is the definition of astrology? If you search around the internet for a few minutes you will find a number of different definitions. Unfortunately most of them are wrong. They are wrong in the sense that they do not accurately reflect the way in which many astrologers conceptualize and subsequently define their own subject….
The Modern vs. Traditional Astrology
Traditional Astrology: Opening Statement For the purpose of this debate I will define “traditional astrology” as a collection of astrological doctrines that coalesced into a system for studying fate somewhere around the 1st century BCE in Alexandria, Egypt, and was practiced, refined, and expanded until the late 17th century. While there were a number of…