By Sarah Potter Love is in the air this week as Valentine’s Day reminds us of how powerful the magic of love is in all its forms! Love vibrates at the highest frequency, exceeding the potency of any other energy or physical force. The experience of love leads to feelings of happiness, fulfillment, and overall…
Category: Horoscope
Latest Horoscopes
The Astrology of Time and The Plato Perspective
Explore the July Star Signs of Awesome Hall of Famers
Astrology was once considered a science closely connected to astronomy – the study of what lies beyond our planet, including space and celestial objects. Scientists of early times thought that by charting the skies and watching the movement of constellations, they could use astrology to help them predict various aspects of daily life, from an…
Exploring the Lunar Cycle from New Moon to New Moon
Moon-Watching The Moon, luminary of the night and messenger of the zodiac, holds our body and our emotions. Of all the planetary bodies, we often have the best sense of where the Moon is, watching the changes from New to Full to New again. The cycle beginning with the New Moon in Sagittarius is enlivening,…
October’s Top Five Astro Events
1. Mercury turns direct on October 2 at 24°11’ in the analytical sign Virgo. For most people, this station comes as a welcome shift away from weeks of discontent and leads into growing effectiveness in personal and business affairs. However, Mercury is within one degree of opposing Neptune. It’s best not to make any important…
The Definition of Astrology
What is the definition of astrology? If you search around the internet for a few minutes you will find a number of different definitions. Unfortunately most of them are wrong. They are wrong in the sense that they do not accurately reflect the way in which many astrologers conceptualize and subsequently define their own subject….
Top 10 Astrologers of All Time
This is a list of the most famous and most influential astrologers of all time. The list mainly covers astrologers who played an important role in the astrological tradition over the past 3,000 years, and it does not include any astrologers who are still alive today, or who lived relatively recently. I plan to compile…